Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Welcoming Note!

Hello world. I'm welcoming myself to this not so new world named Blog. I myself still wondering why on earth I decided to get into this thing. Maybe just to kill the time while waiting for my lovely wife to come home from work. But I know myself very well. I will get addicted to it just like I am into Facebook and car forums. As for the introduction, I'll skip it for later. It's 7.35 pm and I'm late for Maghrib Solat. Later. . .


nieja said...

welcome 2 blogging world!!
selamat b'blogging abe!!

nant ija link abe

Anonymous said...

selamat datang ke dunia blog hehe

keyoe said...

thanks both of u

Anonymous said...

waa. abe pun da blog! huhu.
waiting for more entries.
sorry internet org cacat so dapat online kadang2 je. heh.
anyways, hav fun! huhu

nieja said...

eleh aboy..
internet cacat la ape la
pdhal line tenet x bayar

marlyn said...

huhu. abe pown ado blog doh!
yeahhha! (=